


As you can no doubt tell by our highly detailed and anatomically precise self-portraits, we're a friendly bunch — a crew of picture book builders (a.k.a. author/illustrators) from the upper left corner of the left coast who gather together once a month to talk about BOOKS, but not just any books—picture books!

Now we’ve put our wandering minds together here to talk about things way beyond shoes and ships and sealing wax! You’ll hear about monsters that love puddles, dragons popping out of mailboxes, flying chickens and dancing pigs, friends lost and found, and bunny noodle soup! But that’s not all! We’ll talk of things like book cases and jackets (and we don’t mean the furniture and clothes), pagination, the interplay of text and pictures, creating characters, story ingredients, endpapers, and subplots. We’ll dissect books, and touch on subjects near and dear to our personal hearts. Be on the lookout, too, for reviews (where we’ll gush over books we wish we had made). And there will be games—drawing games and writing games, prompts and challenges!

So hop on for the ride! You’re in for some picture book awesomeness from the WHATSITS!

Click here for more on who we are!

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