
Monday, January 4, 2016

Announcing the newest member to the family: Peddles!

by Wendy Wahman

Elizabeth Rose Stanton’s new baby, PEDDLES, debut birthday party is this Friday, and we’re mighty proud and excited around here. But what do you get a pig for his birthday? Well, if you’re the beloved nephew of A Whatsit, you might get a portrait of yourself (and a trough of cake).

If you’re in the Seattle area, join us at University Bookstore, Fri., Jan. 8th at 7pm.
to raise our champagne glasses to our dear, talented, hard working Elizabeth.

~ Check out the Calendar for upcoming PEDDLES and other Whatsits events ~

‘Peddles’ with love from Uncle Ben:

Mama Stanton:


Auntie Jennifer:

Uncle Kevan:

and Auntie Wendy:

 We love you, Peddles!